Sunday People

BRAVE MUM’S TRAUMA AFTER VILE Sick ex posted revenge porn of me while I was pregnant with his child

- By Grace Macaskill

MUM-TO-BE Charley Bailey shuddered with anger, fear and shame when a pal showed her a Facebook video that left nothing to the imaginatio­n.

The seven-minute film showed Charley and her ex having sex when she was five months pregnant.

Vile Thomas Ormsby, 19, had posted it in revenge for Charley dumping him because he was a serial cheat.

The clip plunged Charley’s life into disarray. Instead of enjoying the final three months of pregnancy she was left feeling she no longer wanted the baby.

And when little Lucas was born those precious, first hours were tarnished because he resembled Ormsby – and Charley’s mind was instantly filled with resentment at what he had done.

By then, Ormsby had become one of the first men in Britain to be jailed under revenge porn laws.

Now, speaking for the first time since the traumatic cyber sex attack, 19-year-old Charley said: “He was jailed but I am the one left dealing with this. It has had a huge impact on me.

“When I saw the video I felt sick, totally degraded.

“I was carrying this man’s baby. How could he have done that to someone who has his child inside them?


“The shame and embarrassm­ent was so much that I wanted to kill myself and my mum had to talk me out of getting rid of my baby.

“When Lucas was born I couldn’t even pick him up for the first couple of hours because he looked like Thomas.

“But when I held him I fell in love with him and felt so guilty for ever thinking about terminatin­g my pregnancy.

“Lucas is my whole world now but I have to speak out about what his father did to warn others.”

Charley has bravely waived her right to anonymity to encourage other victims of so-called revenge porn to report cases to the police.

The traumatisi­ng crime is legally defined as the sharing of private, often sexual or explicit, photos or videos of another person with the purpose of causing embarrassm­ent or distress.

It was made a specific crime following a series of high-profile cases that raised awareness of the issue.

In 2012, pop star and former X Factor judge Tulisa Contostavl­os, 28, won a High Court injunction to halt the online distributi­on of a tape featuring her and former lover Justin Edwards.

The crime carries a jail term of up to two years and a fine and there were over 1,000 reported cases in the UK last year.

But a recent report revealed that six in 10 cases reported to police result in no criminal action.

Charley said: “Women have to stand nd up to this kind of thing or it will carry on.”n.”

Despite being the one who hadd cheated, a court heardhea that wannabe rapper Ormsby wan wanted Charley to suffer “as much pain a as possible” after she dumped him in N November 2015.

Humiliated, Ormsb Ormsby waited a week before uploading the recording he had secretly filmed on his mobile phone off the couple having

Charley recalls with horror the momentnt she first knew the image images were on Facebook. ok. She said: “My friend Chelsea called and nd asked me to meet her because she wanteded to show me something straight away.

“She pulled out her phone and I stood in the street, six months pregnant, watching a video of Thomas an and me having sex. I was shocked, absolutely­absolute stunned.

“I was also angry an and sad and felt sick. Every emotion went through me – that was the father of my c child.

“I recognised the ro room and realised he must have filmed it ab about a month before when I was looking after my auntie’s house. I was fiv five months pregnant at the time. “I tried to call him but he woul wouldn’t answer his phone. When I tried to log on to his Facebook through my phone I realised I was blocked.

“I was panicking he would put it on YouTube or upload it to a porno site.”

Desperate, Charley called the police. Ormsby was arrested and Facebook management took the post down.

Last January, Ormsby, of Scunthorpe, became one of the first people in Britain to be prosecuted under new laws to protect victims of revenge porn.

He was jailed for four months by Hull magistrate­s and given a restrainin­g order

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