Sunday People

Why we still need to march for our rights

- BY Vikki White

The report reveals the gender pay gap is even greater in key public services such as education, at 97 days, and health and social work, where the average woman waits 69 days to catch up with male counterpar­ts.

The longest wait for equal pay is faced by women in finance and insurance, where the gap is the equivalent of 137 days.

It comes as top firms including Procter and Gamble launch their own equal pay campaigns to coincide with Wednesday’s event.

The TUC’s Frances O’Grady said: “Paying lip service to the problem is not good enough.” HELEN Pankhurst is urging women across the country to get out and stand up for their rights, just like her Suffragett­e great-gran did.

She will be a key figure at today’s women’s march in London, which she said is particular­ly important after Donald Trump’s victory.

Helen, 52, added her famous relative Emmeline would also be “horrified” by the current US President.

She said: “Emmeline, like most of us, would’ve been horrified that a man who has bragged about assaulting women, and whose policies are regressive in terms of internatio­nalism and feminism, has become the most powerful man in the world. “She’d be horrified but probably not surprised; misogyny has a habit of rearing its ugly head. She would be out marching with all of us.” Thousands are expected to take part in #March4Wome­n, led by Care Internatio­nal, to highlight the struggles women face globally. It follows rallies ar around the world against Trump,Trum who bragged of “grabb “grabbing” women “by the p*** p***y” in 2005. Thou Though Helen said: “There are many other examp examples of sexism and a lack of willingnes­s to reach out to the most vulner vulnerable from those in positionsp­osit of power acr across the globe.” Helen will be joined today by human rights activist Bianca Jagger, singer Annie Lennox and London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

She hopes the march will also highlight the plight of refugee women, branding the challenges they face “a blight on the 21st century”.

The event comes ahead of Internatio­nal Women’s Day on Wednesday, which is calling on women to fight the gender pay gap.

Helen, whose gran Sylvia was also a key Suffragett­e in the early 1900s, said: “We need to keep up the pressure. Each generation has its own battles to wage.”

careintern­ uk/march4wome­n

 ??  ?? CALL: Helen Pankhurst FIGHT: Emmeline, centre, in 1913
CALL: Helen Pankhurst FIGHT: Emmeline, centre, in 1913

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