Sunday People

We re the new Deirdre and Ken

- By Emma Pryer TV EDITOR

CORRIE star Katie McGlynn says she feels like the new Deirdre Barlow – after getting involved with Ken’s son in the soap.

Her character Sinead Tinker shocked viewers by romping in a knicker factory cupboard with nerdy Daniel Osbourne, then on Friday found she was pregnant.

Now the 23-year-old has told The Sunday People how the plot has won her new fans. She said: “I’ve had a few rude pictures and marriage proposals. I get all sorts, like people saying they think I’m beautiful and they’d like to take me on a date. I just laugh.”

It’s not been long since Sinead split from Chesney Brown but her latest relationsh­ip with Daniel has been compared to that of two Corrie legends.

Katie said: “We are like the new Ken and Deirdre, but we’re still Sinead and Daniel so there are going to be difference­s.

“There’s a bit of pressure that comes with the fact so many parallels are being drawn but I just try to focus on playing Sinead. When I had my first scene with all the Barlows I was like, ‘woah, this is different!’. They are such an iconic family but I love being involved with them. “Now I want something really dark and dramatic to happen.” The former Waterloo Road star, who joined Corrie four years ago, also revealed how she dealt with last month’s sex scene. She said: “I just imagine I’m with someone I really like and I just need to rip their clothes off. I only met Rob [Mallard, who plays Daniel] twice before we had to do the factory scene and get it on against the boxes of knickers! One minute we’re doing that, the next we’re like: ‘So, I’m doing this at the weekend, what about you?’ Neither of us were fazed. “Going down to my bra and knickers – it’s only like wearing a bikini on holiday. But I don’t think I could go full-on nude.” Despite losing over a stone last year, she added: “I don’t consider myself sexy sexy. When I joined the show I was wasn’t far away from the weight I a am now but I put about half a ston stone on. I felt minging. It was all th the holidays I had been on and dr drinking at parties.” But with the help of co-s co-star Catherine TyldesleyT­yld (Eva Price), who lostlos two stone after givinggiv birth in 2015, KatieKa changed her lifestyle.lif “I learnt more aboutab food and how to train.t I don’t feel a pressurep to look a certainc way. Sinead’s hardly the pin-up of the show so I can get away with it.”

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