Sunday People

Porridge can’t ever be a treat


THE man who invented Viagra has developed a spray-on version called Fortacin to help those with erectile dysfunctio­n. Professor Mike Wyllie, yes that’s him, says using the aerosol could help men last five times longer between the sheets. BRITAIN’S first “super-prison” has opened in Wrexham, North Wales, and the let ‘em rot brigade are choking with outrage.

HMP Berwyn cost £250million and will house 2,106 men in “rooms” not cells, that have computers and phones, which can be used only as an earned privilege.

There are health and education facilities and the chance to learn skills such as joinery and bricklayin­g. This, to many, makes it a “cushy holiday camp with mod cons that folk on the outside envy”. No it doesn’t. It makes it a PRISON, where convicted men are punished by being deprived of their liberty – but then, hopefully, rehabilita­ted into law-abiding, productive members of society.

People who want them to rot in bare cells, eating gruel and slopping out are conning themselves.

Suicides and assaults in UK prisons have hit record levels. Attacks on prison staff jumped 40 per cent in a year, drugs are rife, riots regular and staff have been cut by a quarter while the prison population has more than doubled.

We MUST find a new recipe for porridge – before our prisons choke to death.

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