Sunday People

Going from fat to fit with Fido

- By Laura Connor

AN obese student lost eight stone and six dress sizes in a year – by working out with a dog.

Amy Goacher, 21, says her personal trainer’s pet Cesy gave her the confidence to exercise in public – and make it fun.

And trainer Clare Backley, ex- wife of Olympic javelin medallist Steve, is delighted her pooch helped Amy drop from a size 22 to a healthy size 10.

Amy said: “I didn’t realise Clare had a dog and I love animals, so when I turned up on my first session I met Cesy.

“Because I was not so confident and Clare saw I had a natural love of animals, she asked if I wanted Cesy to join us.

“Having Cesy meet me from the car wagging her tail really helped me, especially in the early days when I found it all so hard as my fitness wasn’t at all good.”

Amy’s attempts to shape up ended in failure – until she met Clare and cavapoo Cesy.

She was 17 stone and comfort eating had become the norm. While s t udying animal behavioura­l therapy at the University of Greenwich in London, her size meant she was too embarrasse­d to go out.

She shunned parties and even her graduation in favour of sitting at home with her mum eating crisps.

But, in September 2015, she decided to try her nearest gym in Sevenoaks, Kent, where she was got to know Clare – Clarebackl­

Clare, 40, said: “Seeing this painfully shy girl walk into the gym, barely even able to walk 100 yards without being out of breath, I knew I had to help.” And Amy quickly fell in love with her exercise sessions – and after 15 months could fit into her dream red party dress.

She said: “Cesy would wag her tail and make me laugh, which put me at ease and helped me work out. She’d jump up and kiss me if I was tired, which gave me a quick rest but Clare would soon get me on my next exercises.

“I look forward to my sessions more knowing Cesy is joining me. She knows we’re off to the park to train when I come in the door and is so happy to see me – that’s enough to brighten your mood.”

And studies show exercising with Fido can lift your spirits.

JT Clough, who wrote a guide on running with dogs, said: “A dog’s excitement can be enough to change your attitude towards exercise.”

And it could help your pet, too. Experts say nearly 35 per cent of pets are overweight, which increases their risk of arthritis, diabetes, breathing problems and heart disease.

Amy said: “I love seeing Cesy at my sessions and it was a lovely bonus working out with her.”

 ??  ?? NOT BARKING: With Cesy
 ??  ?? LEAD ON: Amy with Clare
LEAD ON: Amy with Clare
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