Sunday People

Rio: I hit the bottle after wife died He told kids: Mummy’s spirit has gone to stars ’

- By Vikki White

RIO Ferdinand has spoken of how he turned to booze when he found himself in a “lonely, dark place” after his wife died.

The former Manchester United ace lost childhood sweetheart Rebecca to an aggressive form of breast cancer in May 2015, aged 34. Her battle was short and he had to be strong for their kids Lorenz, 10, Tate, eight, and Tia, five, as he struggled with his own grief.

And he said any challenges in his football career paled into insignific­ance when he had to step into her shoes for them – and tell them mummy was not coming back.

Rio, 38, said he downed whisky and brandy to get through the first weeks.

And while he never actually contemplat­ed suicide, he admitted he can now understand why some people do.

He said: “You’re sitting there, the kids are in bed, you can’t sleep, but you don’t want to think about anything. That’s when the problems start. I never understood suicide. Then you sit there and you can understand how people get that low. It’s a lonely, dark place. I can see why you slip over that edge.”

On March 28, the BBC will screen documentar­y Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum and Dad, in which he tells his children “Mummy’s s pirit has gone

straight to the stars” as he tries to help them understand what happened. It also shows the poignant momentment he learns to plait his daughter’ser’s hair as he takes on Rebecca’s s roles.

Rio said: “You realisee playing football was a f***ing walkalk in the park compared with tellelling your kids their mum isn’tn’t coming back. I’ve never had to do something so hard.”.”

Rio and Rebecca met in the late Nineties and wed d in 2009. He was set to retireire the month she died and was looking forward to being ga a “complete family man”.

He t old The Times mes Weekend supplement: “We built our life around my retirement. This time in my lifee now, I’d be spending with her.. When I was playing I had tunnelel vision about being successful. I saw my team-mates more than my missus.”

Rio got advice from charitiesh­arities Child Bereavemen­t UK and Jigsaw igsaw on how to help his children cope. He also went to a widowers’ bereavemen­t ment group.

He said he learned to be more open with his emotions and wants to keep Rebecca’s memory alive. .

Rio said: “I’m from an environmen­t where talking about emotions otions doesn’t happen. Winners are ruthless.”hless.”

But he added: “It’s OKK to get upset, because you’re not forgetting.” etting.”

 ??  ?? LEGEND: Rio in action for Red Devils and as pundit with Rooney and Hargreaves LOVE OF HIS LIFE Rio steps out with childhood sweetheart Rebecca in 2009
LEGEND: Rio in action for Red Devils and as pundit with Rooney and Hargreaves LOVE OF HIS LIFE Rio steps out with childhood sweetheart Rebecca in 2009
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