Sunday People

Fast Furious star on his film icon father Dad Clint refused to help me get a job... and it was best thing he could ha ve done for me


- By Vikki White

CLINT Eastwood’s son says the best thing his dad did for him was NOT to help him into acting.

Scott Eastwood, 31, says Clint, 86, made him pay his way through college and audition for minor roles in his films.

Until five years ago, Scott was juggling work as a bartender in San Diego with rushing to acting try-outs in Los Angeles.

“It was probably the best thing dad could have done for me,” he says.

“He could have made it easy but I wouldn’t have learnt anything from that.”

The drive Clint instilled in Scott has paid off, with young Eastwood starring in this month’s Fast & Furious 8 after parts in last year’s Suicide Squad, Snowden and Live by Night.

Scott, father-of-seven Clint’s son from a relationsh­ip with flight attendant Jacelyn Reeves, still lives in San Diego and recalls of his bartending days: “I would work all night, study my lines until three or four in the morning, fall asleep, then get up at 7am and drive to LA.

“I would audition for parts and then drive back down to San Diego to work that night.”

But he didn’t curse his dad for making him struggle. “He grew up during the Depression and he had to work hard for everything, including his early years as an actor,” says Scott.

“He believes you have to earn your way in life and I agree, although there were a lot of times when I would be angry with him because I knew he could have helped me out with money.

“He made me pay my way through college. That was hard. But he knew the best lesson in life that he could teach me was that I had to learn to take care of myself and not expect any favours.”


Scott spent his early days in Hawaii with younger sister Kathryn and their mum Jacelyn, who had them while Clint was living with Sondra Locke, his co-star in The Outlaw Josey Wales.

Scott and Kathryn’s birth certificat­es read: “Father declined”.

But by 14, Scott had moved to twicemarri­ed Clint’s ranch in Northern California, where he threw himself into the outdoor life loved by his father. “I started riding horses and grew up feeling I was a bit of a cowboy,” laughs Scott, who has been linked to model Adriana Lima and Vampire Diaries film star Nina Dobrev.

“I don’t think I could ever have worked in an office, even if acting hadn’t worked out for me.

“Dad has also always stayed very fit and encouraged me to take up running, go to the gym and do weights.

“I do Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu. Dad’s philosophy is ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ and it’s important to stay active physically. I believe in that.”

As well as having dad to thank for his physique, Scott also learned to admire an old school way of life from Clint, plus a love of country and blues music.

“I feel as if I absorbed from my father a love for traditiona­l values,” he says. “I like being old school. I hate it when people stare at their phones during dinner and I will always call people rather than send text messages.

“And Mom taught me to be a gentleman. She showed how it was important to respect women and not be afraid to show your sensitive side.”

Scott says he now has a fantastic relationsh­ip with Dirty Harry star Clint, who won Oscars for Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby. He says his dad didn’t care what career he chose, merely wanting him to lead a “responsibl­e life”. But Clint is now hugely proud of Scott. “I’m proud dad has finally got to see me make some good films,” says Scott. “I’m even prouder we’ve been able to become friends and enjoy each other’s company.” Fast & Furious 8 comes three-and-a-half years after one of the film franchise’s stars, Paul Walker, died aged 40 in a car crash. Details have been kept secret of Scott’s character in the new movie, which is out next week and titled The Fate of the Furious. But he is rumoured to play Paul’s younger brother. The role would be fitting because the pair were pals. Paul even acted as a mentor to Scott in the way an older sibling would. “Paul was a close friend of mine,” says Scott. “We surfed together, travelled together and he was a massive role model and influencin­g figure in my life when I was younger. “He was an older brother to me and for me to be able to add to the Fast and Furious story, Paul’s story, and join the Fast family is like a dream come true.”

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