Sunday People

Boyfriend fears getting back with teenage sweetheart led crazed ex to slit her throat her too much

Killed by stalker after cops fined HER for wasting police time


and told her he loved her as he left for work. Later he got a message from a colleague of Shana’sSh to say she hadn’t arrived. Soon after came his sister’s distraught call. He says: “She started crying and say saying there was a bloody footprint on the door. I knew Michael was behind it. “All I could think was, what if he i is still there and I have sent m my little sister round? “I p picked up Shana’s mum Sha Sharon a nd a s we appr approached we saw fire engi engines and an ambulance. The Then my dad rang and said, ‘I’m so sorry, Ash. I’m in the house and Shana’s dead dead.’ I had to tell Sharon Shan Shana was gone and she would wouldn’t believe me. “We got to the house and Sharon begged paramedics to go in an and save her but a police officer told us she was dead. I cuddled Shana’s mum as we both sobbed but then the anger set in. I said I wanted to go and get Michael and the police wouldn’t let me leave.”

Three weeks later Ashley carried Shana’s coffin at her funeral, but his nightmare was far from over.

Police were forced to break the news that Shana met Lane in a hotel two days before her death. Lane said they slept together and evidence backed up his claims.

Ashley says: “At first I got so angry. But I have to believe Shana did it out of fear. I think she thought if she met him one last time and gave him what he wanted he’d leave her alone. I don’t feel anger towards her. I’m only angry at him. I wish she’d come to me and told me all of this and we could have sorted something out.”

Ashley was told he and his dad Ian would be called as witnesses. So they spent an agonising six months in the dark about Shana’s last moments. He says: “It was horrendous. I’d visit Shana’s family and they couldn’t tell me what they k knew. I was tortured by the idea Shana had suffered.” As Ashley’s testimony helped na nail Lane and he was fo found guilty of Shana’s murder following a three- week trial at Lewes crown court. He says: “I refused to give evidence from behind a screen because I didn’t want Michael to think I was scared of him. He wouldn’t look me in the eye. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I had to get through it somehow to get justice for Shana. “We cheered the verdict but I still felt sad. Nothing could bring Shana back. Michael will be in his 50s when he gets out but he’ll have a life. Shana will never reach 50. It’s her loved ones, who have the life sentence.”

Ashley and Shana had been planning a family. Now he is unsure he’ll find love again.

He says: “We’d picked baby names – Wesley for a boy and Summer for a girl. Shana would have been the most amazing mum. I feel lost without her.”

Ashley still visits her parents but can’t bear to go into her old bedroom where her ashes are kept.

He admits: “The smallest things remind me of her. I can’t even watch an advert for The Only Way is Essex – her favourite programme. I still sometimes text her, to tell her how much I love and miss her.

“In time I might meet someone else, but I can’t see it happening for a few years. And they’ll have to accept Shana will always be a big part of my life. I’ll never love anyone like I loved her.”

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