Sunday People

Crims’ defence costs us fortune


GRIEVING Nadja Ensink-Teich has been denied legal aid but many notorious criminals have had hundreds of thousands from the public purse to fight their cases.

Current rules mean taxpayers must pay for anyone who can’t afford to defend themselves in a criminal trial.

Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare received £402,000 in legal aid after being charged with the murder of Matthews’ stepsister Becky Watts, 16, in 2015.

The pair, said to be obsessed with attractive young girls, killed and dismembere­d Becky at the family home in Bristol.

Matthews was jailed for life. Hoare, convicted of manslaught­er, was sentenced to 17 years.

Triple killer and rapist Peter Tobin claimed £350,000 in legal aid after he was charged with three separate murders. He was doing time for the 2006 murder of Polish student Angelika Kluk in 2006 when police found the skeletal remains of teenagers Vicky Hamilton and Dinah McNicol Nicol at a house he once livedved in at Margate, Kent.

Legal aid d helped him fight both murder cases but he was found guilty, ty, meaning he’ll die in n jail.

Taxpayers ers also paid £350,000 to defend child killer Robertert Black in just one murder trial. He was already serving life for the murder of three girls before he was convicted in 2011 of the 1981 murder and kidnap of Jennifer Cardy, nine. Incredibly, the public also picked up the £5,000 tab to take Black, now dead, from jail in Engl England to the court case in Northern Irel Ireland by private jet. Other notoriou notorious child killers have also been g given vast sums by legal aid chie chiefs, such as April Jones’ murdere murderer Mark Bridger, who got £150,0 £150,000. Serial killer S Stephen Port also ran up a £132,0 £132,000 legal aid bill after being charg charged with the murders of four m men. Last year a trial heard how drugged, rpaed and killed victims. He i is serving a who whole life order.

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