Sunday People

...AGAIN smash as star races £1m supercar


happened. When they saw the wreckage on fire they thought Richard was dead.

“They were staggered he got out of it alive. There was just nothing left. Everyone is so relieved. If Richard had been a few seconds slower getting out, he would have been incinerate­d.”

One of the first things Hammond, a father-of-two, did was phone his wife Mindy from his hospital bed to let her know he was OK. He was last night in a stable condition.

It is understood the accident happened at 3.15pm local time, seconds after he had finished his race.

Ambulances rushed to the scene and firefighte­rs put out the blaze.

On Friday Clarkson had put out a tweet appealing for mystery car parts. He said: “Cash waiting for anyone who can get one of these to southern Switzerlan­d asap. Serious request from Grand Tour.” But last night the mood had completely changed as he told his 6.6 million followers of the smash.

He said: “It was the biggest crash I’ve ever seen and the most frightenin­g and incredibly, and thankfully, Richard seems to be mostly OK.”

Yesterday’s crash came just three months after it was revealed Hammond was knocked out in a fall from a motorbike in Mozambique.

Andy added: “I spoke to Richard at the hospital and although he was very shaken, he was conscious and quite lucid. He has had X-rays and a CT scan and is being kept in for observatio­n.

“All he said about his injuries was that his knee hurt a lot, which I’m not surprised about as it now has bolts in it. His only worry was about letting his wife and family know he was OK.

“He has been very lucky – it’s a miracle really and certainly another one of his lives gone.”


A Grand Tour spokesman said: “Richard was conscious and talking, and climbed out of the car himself before the vehicle burst into flames.

“He was flown to hospital in St Gallen to be checked over. We’d like to thank paramedics on site for their swift response. The cause of the crash is unknown and being investigat­ed.”

Fans sent get well messages on social media last night. Jon Mitchell wrote: “Our thoughts are with you @ RichardHam­mond.”d.” Parth Mehta s aid: “@ RichardHam­mondd why always you?” And Marta Lelito added: “Is anyone countingti­ng down Richard Hammond’sd’s lives?”.

Hammond, Clarksonrk­son and May left BBC hit Top Gear in 2015 after a fracas as between Clarkson and a producer.oducer.

They began filming ming The Grand Tour for Amazon Prime after signingg a megamoney deal.

Clarkson is now Britain’s highest paid TV host, ost, said to earn almost £10millionm­illion a year for the new show.

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