Sunday People

Fury at bigoted’ allies


wrong as well. We cannot continue along this path. There is a new movement in Britain demanding social change, and the millions who voted for the Labour party cannot, and should not, be denied.”

Mr Corbyn remains confident that he can keep that momentum going and lead his party to victory.

He added: “The Tories may be in government for now, but their model and lack of ambition is unsustaina­ble.

“I’m ready for another general election. This is just the first step. I truly believe we can unite this nation and bring the kind of change the nation needs and demands.

“I feel energised by this result because I know we can build on it.” PROTESTERS gathered in London yesterday to voice anger at Theresa May’s bid to cling to power with help from the Democratic Unionist Party.

Many carried placards in Parliament Square attacking the Northern Irish party over its policies on gay marriage and abortion.

Chants included “DUP, go away, anti-choice, anti-gay”. And organisers from Stand Up To Racism and the Stop The War Coalition also spoke to the crowd, who cheered at every mention of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s name.

Luke O’Neill, 27, who voted for Labour in Kensington, said Mr Corbyn had motivated young people. He added: “May’s mandate has gone, that’s probably the best news.”

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