Sunday People

DIABETIC MUM TELLS OF MIRACLE RECOVERY I couldn’t see my baby as pregnancy made me blind

- By Shanti Das

LIKE every mother-to-be, Leah Fisher was looking forward to the moment she would get to gaze at her newborn baby.

But that moment did not come until three months after son Archie was born – because a hormone imbalance combined with her diabetes made her go blind during her pregnancy.

Leah, 26, went from having perfect vision before conceiving to having “eyes like a 90-year-old” as things went black.

Medics gave her an emergency C-section two months early so that she could start steroid treatment in the hope of saving some degree of her vision.

Now, after six laser operations, she has miraculous­ly recovered 20/20 vision – although she still needs to wear glasses sometimes.

Leah said: “I never thought having a baby would make me blind. I feel I have missed out on so much and that breaks my heart. When I was pregnant I didn’t get to go and buy Archie clothes or anything because I was so depressed, my eyes were horrendous.

“After he was born, it was devastatin­g not being able to see Archie properly and I was heartbroke­n by the thought I wouldn’t get to watch him grow up.

“The doctors said they didn’t know if the treatment would work but I’ve had six laser surgeries and there has been a massive improvemen­t.

“I still wear glasses and I can’t see in the dark but it’s a miracle I can see at all. It’s amazing to be able to look at my baby’s face. I just feel so lucky I can watch Archie grow up.”

Doctors believe Leah’s sight scare is linked to her having neglected her treatment for type 1 diabetes in her teens.

Leah, a probation worker from Southend, Essex, was diagnosed at 14 and was lax with the jabs she was supposed to take six times a day. She said she wanted to be “normal” and drink with her friends.

Doctors warned that her carelessne­ss could lead to complicati­ons later in life, including nerve damage and potential eye problems. But it was only in her early 20s, when she met fiancé Iain Francis, 37, that her priorities shifted.

When they moved in together, Leah began to take her injections properly and her blood sugar level balanced out. In May 2015, she got pregnant.


Leah, who is studying for a criminolog­y degree, said: “When we found out, we were so excited. It was a huge shock but it was brilliant.”

But within weeks, Leah’s eyesight began to deteriorat­e as new blood vessels grew in her eyes and began leaking. She said: “Before I fell pregnant I wore glasses for driving but my vision was pretty much perfect.

“I knew having a baby could bring some problems with eyesight but within a few weeks it was horrific. I was driving along thinking that my glasses needed adjusting, but as the days went by the world got blurrier and darker.

“They said I had developed damage to the retina through high blood sugars, swelling inside the eye and thick cataracts like a 90-year-old would have.”

When Archie was born on November 24 2015, Leah could barely make out his features. She said: “The first few months were hard. I wasn’t able to do anything. I couldn’t see to change his nappies or bathe him. Every day, I would get more and more frustrated, crying and having breakdowns.”

But with every round of treatment, her vision improved. Consultant ophthalmol­ogist and retinal surgeon Aman Chandra, who treated Leah at Southend Hospital, Essex, said: “Loss of eyesight particular­ly affects people if their control of diabetes has been poor prior to pregnancy.

“It affects the blood vessels and causes them to bleed and leak. When Leah came to us, she was essentiall­y blind.”

Diabetes UK said: “From a clinical point of view, it is not common for women of this age to go completely blind in such a short time.”

Diabetic eye disease is called retinopath­y and occurs in 40 per cent of all people with type 1 diabetes. Most people have it to some degree 20 years after diagnosis. Severe retinopath­y, like Leah had, is less common.

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