Sunday People

BRADY’S DEPRAVITY LAID BARE IN LETTERS Dear Ma, today we played hangman in court


occasions to make clear that he was trying to be funny. In one he said: “I received the books you sent Mr. Fitzpatric­k. They really are the worst books I’ve ever half read ( joke). Seriously though, I couldn’t finish reading any of them they were so bad.”

After Brady Brady’ss mum had a bout of poor health, he wrote: “Mr F tells me you have been ill recently. I hope it’s nothing serious and that you’ve gotten

over it by now.” But he then followed it up by saying: “There is no point visiting me, to come all this way for 15 minutes, talking trivia is pointless and I can’t discuss anything of importance while a warden sits in between.”

Brady also whinged about life in jail, where “nothing ever happens”.

He grumbled: “I hope the mild weather lasts as the cell I am in has a radiator that is always lukewarm and one has to sit on it to keep warm when the weather is cold.” In a separate letter he wrote: “The weather has been excellent this week. Sunny and mild. ”

In another, he wrote: “I had two teeth extracted recently. Quite a good dentist they have here. I’ve told Myra to make an appointmen­t with him.”

Brady also said: “I notice from the papers that there are some exceptiona­lly good programs and films on TV these days. They seemed to show mainly rubbish on TV when I was free.”

Brady asked his mum for books including one called The Vampire.

But he whined: “The food you brought was, as I have told you in the past, unnecessar­y. I asked for chicken, wine and and books, nothing else. I can buy most other things here.”

In another entry, Brady asked his mum, who died in her 90s in 2010: “Will you send a clean blue shirt and underwear etc. I only have the clothes I am wearing at the moment.”

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