Sunday People

Pick up a garden centre bargain


GARDEN centres will already be starting to clear out old plants and leftover Christmas trees to make way for new season stock – so now is a great time to pick up a bargain.

But whatever you do, avoid buying obviously diseased plants or any with an abundance of weeds growing in the top of the pot. And wait until the soil is thawed and no longer sodden before planting.

Out of season

Look particular­ly for shrubs that, because they have passed their most interestin­g season, have been reduced in price. Japanese maples, which are prized for their autumn colour, are a good example.

Bad shape Bound to be sulking

Plants that have been growing in the same container at the garden centre for some time are likely to be pot bound, so may be sulking a bit. You can give them a sporting chance if you get them in the ground quickly. Prepare the plant for planting by soaking it in a bucket of water for a few hours, then untangle the roots and gently spread them out in the planting hole. GIVE birds a sporting chance on by putting bells This your cat’s collar. should give them fair warning if your pet decides to hunt.

Shrubs that have grown out of shape are often great value. While they look a mess they can be pruned and trained to make a tidy plant. If there are new shoots, buds or leaves emerging, do not dismiss them.

Get two for one

Look for pots of perennials such as Michaelmas daisies that are filling their pots. They can be split into two or more pieces each with roots, shoots and a few healthy buds emerging from the crown. It is a cheap way to get a free plant.

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