Sunday People

Bomb hell of Lee ride pair


A MUM and stepdad who lost their daughter in the Manchester Arena bombing had taken part in an annual cycling fundraiser in honour of Lee Rigby the day before she was killed.

Charlotte Campbell and Paul Hodgson made TV appeals and desperatel­y rang around hospitals for hours after the attack.

Eventually they were given the heartbreak­ing news that Olivia, 15, was one of the 22 victims of the atrocity at the Ariana Grande concert.

Meanwhile Lee’s mum Lyn was stunned to recognise the couple on TV because they have regularly ridden in her murdered son’s memory.

It was a painful reminder of the hell she went through on the day he died – hours of prayers and hope after reports of a soldier being killed in Woolwich only to find out it was Lee.

“Seeing Charlotte shook my family very badly,” says Lyn. “She kept coming on TV pleading for informatio­n about Olivia. Nobody knew where she was at first. She had phoned the hospitals and she couldn’t find her.

“It took me back because it was 12 hours before we knew Lee was the dead soldier we had been hearing about on the news. When Olivia was confirmed dead I had to get in touch. I sent her condolence­s and told Charlotte I knew what she was going through. I just wanted to give her a hug.

“Charlotte and Paul had come to the bike rides in Lee’s memory every year since his death. They never miss.” The ride in Lee’s memory and to raise money for Combat Stress had been from Rochdale to Middleton in Greater Manchester.

“Charlotte and Paul live in Bury, just 20 minutes away, so we went to the house as a family two days later and it was emotional to say the least.

“We stayed for two hours and we keep in touch.”

Now the Lee Rigby Foundation also gives support to terrorism victims and relatives as well as veterans and their families.

Charlotte says: “What Lyn did meant the world to us. She has given us a lot of advice and hugs. She is amazing – on the phone whenever we need support. Seeing her turn up with her husband Ian and the girls that day meant so much. She was there for us. She is a very special friend.”

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