Sunday People



“I was on a programme called ‘Football Heaven’ and this guy called in and said, ‘Warnock – he’s got to go. How can he stay in a job after that?’ “The host asked him if he’d been to the game and the guy said, ‘No, but I listened to it on the radio.’ “I thought, ‘Oh my god,

They include some time spent in the top flight with Sheffield United, QPR and Crystal Palace.

But he recalls them all with a glint in his eye and the rueful relish of a pantomime villain that makes it difficult not to imagine it’s a role he is secretly happy to play – even in the PAUL CLEMENT has told his Reading players to treat today’s game at Cardiff like a cup final

The Royals are only two points above the drop and face a Bluebirds side aiming to seal automatic promotion.

“There’s a lot at stake, the

“I looked them all in the eye and said, ‘Yeah, I think your fans would enjoy a team that won matches for a change’. I knew I wasn’t going to get that bloody job.”

Cardiff’s board were not so squeamish and their reward could be a return to the top flight as Warnock eyes the Premier League once again. atmosphere will be good, the stadium will be full, so it will be an exciting afternoon,” said Clement (left).

“I’m looking forward to it, to competing in what is a very high pressure game.

“This is a one-off game, like a cup final.”

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