Sunday People

Castle do splicely for us too

- By Vikki White

FOR Jessykar Donald, it was a stroke of good luck – landing the prize of a dream wedding at a castle on the same day as the royal couple.

She’d told her boyfriend Daniel Hutton earlier this year she’d entered the online competitio­n run by Bud Light – and he joked if she won SHE would have to propose to him.

“So when I found out, I took him to a beach with our pet pigeon Rudel and popped the question,” said Jessykar, 27. Like Rudel, Daniel didn’t get in a flap.

“He said yes,” added the brideto-be ahead of her nuptials yesterday. While their intimate big day was very different from the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s lavish affair at Windsor, it was just as special.


The couple planned their ceremony at Cornwall’s Pendennis Castle for 4.30pm so guests could warm up by watching the house of Windsor splicing on TV.

“It’s been really exciting because wedding fever is everywhere,” said Jessykar. “You can’t forget the date, that’s for sure.

“Harry and Meghan’s wedding is a really big thing – but I think our intimate wedding will be equally special in its own way.

“I am so happy for them. I hope their marriage is going to last like I know ours will.”

Jessykar was walked down the aisle by mum Beryl. She had three bridesmaid­s and wore a custommade ivory wedding dress. There were 30 guests.

She and Daniel, 35, of Gosport, Hants, met on holiday 10 years ago. Romantic Daniel had proposed to Jessykar in Malta after seven years together, but they’d not got round to planning a wedding. “Now I just can’t wait to marry him,” said Jessykar.

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