Sunday People

Over council leaving her with known sex fiend I’ve finally got justice after evil paedophile abused me 57yrs ago


girl was taken to a children’s home in Newport and finally “met normality”. She added: “They were wonderful. It was the first time I’d gone into a normal house.

“I was taught that I was a decent person.”

When Jackie was 17 she went to work as a machinist and married her first husband, John. They had children Darren, 49, and Claire, 43.

Jackie, who used to drive a bus, said she has suffered her whole life with breakdowns and tried to kill herself three times.

She said: “I’ve been passed from one doctor to the next. I am on medication for depression.

“I believed my whole life Stanley had been imprisoned.

“It wasn’t until I went to get my records two years ago – after I made contact with my sister Christine and I wanted to know what had happened to me – that I found out he had died. I rang the police to tell them of my abuse. But they told me he was no longer here.”

But Jackie, who has been wed to second husband Ian for 33 years, wanted justice and fought for the truth to come out.

She added: “No amount of money will ever take away the past.


“I just want everyone to know what happened to me. And for it to never happen again. The system failed me.”

Jackie was offered the settlement after her case was taken up by Harding Evans solicitors in Newport.

She filed a historical abuse claim against the local authority in 2016. The case was listed for a civil hearing at Cardiff County Court.

But on March 23 the council offered £35,000 to settle out of court.

Jackie has now accepted the settlement, which was made on the basis of loss of earnings due to trauma of being housed with a convicted paedophile. She said: “I felt the fight had gone on long enough. I’m delighted this is finally the end. “It was never about the money, it was about the powers that be admitting they made a terrible mistake. “Hopefully this will give hope to other victims who have suffered then had doors slammed in their face by people in power.” Last night a local authority spokesman said: “Newport County Borough Council, the relevant authority in 1964, ceased to exist in 1996, and Newport City Council inherited any historic insurance claims. “As we are not the authority that placed her with the family, we cannot comment further.”

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