Sunday People

LAG IN Convict makes a mockery of Govt’s A JAG

- By Dan Warburton Car at clink Popping into work Waiting for pals

A KILLER regularly leaves prison for the day in a £45,000 Jaguar to go shopping, enjoy coffee with pals and pop home to see his family.

Rostam Notarki has served just a fraction of a seven-year sentence but is living like a free man – taking rides with friends in flash cars and enjoying a long walk with his son.

Wealthy Notarki, 56, is required to travel 60 miles directly to and from work as part of a rehabilita­tion programme.

But this week the Sunday People watched as he gave a fellow prisoner, a convicted drug dealer, a lift into London and on one day spent less than three hours in an office.

A friend said: “During the day he’s a free man to all intents and purposes. He uses the jail like a Travelodge.

“And when he leaves in the morning to get in his Jag he looks more like the governor than an inmate.”

The killer’s behaviour makes a mockery of Justice Secretary David Gauke’s flagship scheme to give convicts day release to get work experience.

Notarki – jailed for manslaught­er in 2015 – completed only 24 months of a seven-year jail term when he was cleared for day release from Category D HMP Spring Hill, Bucks.

He was granted a release on temporary licence – ROTL – designed to help inmates to get back into work.

He carries a prison issue paper licence which states he is allowed out only on condition he travels to and from work using the most direct route.


But our reporters watched as he spent less than three hours at his office before popping into Curry’s PC World, enjoying coffee at Subway with a pal and meeting his family.

And instead of staying late at the office, the Sunday People pictured him visiting his £540,000 semi-detached home on a tree-lined street in South West London.

By going home Notarki is breaking the terms of his licence which prohibit him from visiting family.

A prison source said: “The inmates fear nothing – some arrive after serving minimal sentences then are on licence almost immediatel­y.

“They call Spring Hill a Travelodge because people stay overnight then leave. It’s a joke.

“Notarki is effectivel­y living life a free man. He carries a paper licence which he can show if he gets stopped by police.

“It says he has been released to attend work at a specific location, for specific hours and he must travel there and back by the most direct route.

“But he’s heading home and seeing the family. It’s ridiculous, there aren’t enough people to monitor convicts on licence.”

In 2015 Notarki, then a gastropub landlord, was sentenced to seven years after being found guilty of killing a wealthy American tourist.

He chased 53-year-old Charles Hickox out of the Cardinal Wolsey near Hampton Court Palace, Surrey, after the victim confronted staff about his missing credit card. Notarki jabbed Mr Hickox with an ironing board from behind, pushing him into the path of an oncoming van.

Now – just three years later – he is released each day from 8am to 9pm so he can get work experience.

Wearing dark jeans, blue shirt, a tweed jacket and brown shoes, he left Spring Hill at 8.24am on Wednesday.

Accompanie­d by a convicted drug dealer, he travelled to Viglen House Business Centre near Wembley where he has gained work with an old business associate.

But on one day this week Notarki spent less than three hours in the office where he is suppose to work.

Instead he met pals, who arrived in powerful BMW and Mercedes motors, at an adjoining petrol station before being driven around London.

And by 5pm he was able to sneak back to his family home in nearby Twickenham, South West London, where he enjoyed time before driving back to his cell in Aylesbury.


Last night critics blasted Tory cuts which have left prison staff powerless to monitor inmates adequately before their full release.

David Hines, founder of the National Victims’ Associatio­n, said: “There are not enough staff to monitor these offenders on licences. Even lifers drop off the system after three years.

“I blame ministers like David Gauke. I’m fed up with them saying that victims are at the heart of the system. It’s just hollow words.

“These people are conning the system. A lot of offenders are living like free men and women. These

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