Sunday People


- By Keir Mudie

MINISTERS have failed spectacula­rly after missing the Government’s own targets for recruiting apprentice nurses, falling 97 per cent short of its aim.

They vowed to recruit 1,000 apprentice­s a year, but just 30 have taken up the scheme in its first year.

Ministers made a major announceme­nt in 2016 of plans to use the apprentice­s to cover the drop in nurse numbers, caused by cutting the bursary for students.

Speaking at GMB union’s annual congress, Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner said: “The Tories forced the abolition of bursaries for yet more nursing students through the Commons, claiming nursing apprentice­s would plug the staffing shortfall in our NHS.

“Now, just weeks later, they are refusing to re-commit to their own target after falling short by 97 per cent.

“We are missing tens of thousands of nurses on wards, applicatio­ns have plummeted and patients are suffering the consequenc­es.”

Most recent figures show there were 34,000 nursing vacancies in January. Last month, Government forced through a vote to axe nursing bursaries for postgradua­tes. It comes after they were axed for undergradu­ates, leading to 700 fewer students joining courses this year.

When challenged in the Commons on the recruitmen­t forecast, Education Secretary Damian Hinds would only say: “Apprentice­ships are employer-led programmes, so the health service takes the lead.”

 ??  ?? SPARSE: Ward nurse
SPARSE: Ward nurse

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