Sunday People

Steroid addict fiancé tortured me for 14 hours I ESCAPED BY JUMPING OUT OF 1ST FLOOR WINDOW


will help them win places on school sports teams.

Professor Susan Backhouse, of Leeds Beckett University’s Carnegie School of Sport, said: “Programmes like Love Island may play a role in driving drug use as they shape our perception of the ‘ideal’ body.

“They see these incredibly honed, muscular physiques on their TV screens as being normal, then drugs like steroids are a shortcut to achieving that.”

Susan, who met Bolton on Facebook six months before the attack, said: “He was obsessed with his looks but I didn’t realise he was going as far as taking drugs. They destroyed him.”

Bolton admitted false imprisonme­nt, wounding with intent and making threats to kill in a haze of jealous rage” at Durham Crown Court in February 2017.

Jailing him, the judge said Bolton posed a threat of serious harm to other women and banned him from contacting Susan. Earlier this year doctors revealed up to a million Brits were taking steroids to change their looks.

They range from teens seeking the perfect physique to elderly men trying to look younger.

Research suggests that appear“narcotic-fuelled ance rather than sporting performanc­e is the main reason.

There is growing concern that the desire to conform to a “ripped” male image beloved of people featured in lifestyle magazines and reality TV is causing young men to put their long-term health at risk by taking ever more complex cocktails of drugs.

Susan said: “I just want people to be aware that there is a huge price to pay. There is a very dark side to taking steroids.”

Last week an inquest heard that a schoolboy died after taking steroids to bulk up.

Luke O’brien fell ill just days into sitting an exam.

The 18-year-old’s mother said he was taking the pills as he was not as tall as some of his friends.

Days earlier a family warned about steroids after a gym-obsessed dad died of a stroke.

Security guard Luke Stone, 28, became obsessed with building muscle after a love split, often working out three times a day.

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