Sunday People

Girlfriend of school massacre plotter who carved Branded by

He physically abused me and tore me down until I was nothing. The feeling of steel against my skin is something I will never forget

- By Phil Cardy

THE girlfriend of one of the “Brit Columbine” schoolboys has told how he left her scarred and facing a lifetime of pain.

Twisted Tom Wyllie carved his name into her back with a penknife.

At the time he was plotting a devastatin­g school massacre.

The girl, who is 15 and cannot be named for legal reasons, said: “He wanted to hurt me. He did hurt me.

“He physically abused and harmed me. Tore me down until I had nothing, so I’d have to go back to him.”

Her ordeal, in a filthy shack behind a mini-mart store, came as Wyllie planned to murder classmates in a sick re-enactment of the 1999 US Columbine school shooting.

The girl said: “He made me believe his ideas were right. That everything was evil except him. That he was God.”

She has taken drastic steps to try to get rid of the unsightly carving but is scarred for life.

The distraught teenager heated up knives and tried to burn off the letters T O M from her skin. She has also had two operations.

But the scarring remains. She feels unable to go swimming because she is embarrasse­d and cries constantly.

She said: “Having your young lover saw and cut at you with a blade is both physically and mentally scarring.


“The feeling of a steel pen knife against my skin is something I can’t forget. Being bent over and hidden away in an abandoned shack filled with bugs and garbage with my shirt lifted up to a boy I adored only for him to hurt me is forever going to be painful.”

Wyllie, now 15, was jailed for 12 years on Monday for planning what he hoped would be one of the worst atrocities in British history.

His accomplice Alex Bolland, also 15, got ten years over the plan to shoot classmates and teachers.

The pair hero-worshipped US killers Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, who slaughtere­d 12 pupils and a teacher at their high school before taking their own lives.

The two British boys, who were only 14 when they hatched their plot, drew up a hitlist of fellow students who had supposedly bullied them, and also members of staff, at their school in Northaller­ton, North Yorks.

The girl’s horror was recounted to the authoritie­s after her boyfriend and his partner-in-crime were captured.

The teenagers downloaded bomb-making manuals, researched weapons online and warned friends about what was to come. Wyllie, who has been described as the leader, discussed his motivation­s for the planned massacre in his diary.

The inside cover of the book, which was recovered from the teenager’s home last October, apologises for committing “one of the worst atrocities in British history” and killing himself. The journal also featured a page of “stuff we need” for the plan, including napalm, firearms and pipe bombs.

In a secret hideout near Catterick Army Garrison, Wyllie kept a rucksack filled with screws, boards and flammable liquid. Bolland claimed he had also been a victim of bullying and revenge was his motivation.

His Snapchat conversati­on discussing details of the plot came to light last September. Bolland confessed to a teacher and police.

He claimed the people he aimed to kill were “infecting the gene pool” and that he and Wyllie were doing a “service to society”. But the pair were not arrested until October after Wyllie’s secret hideout was found by officers.

Following a trial at Leeds crown court, both were convicted of conspiracy to murder. Wyllie was additional­ly convicted of the unlawful wounding of a teenage girl.

The court heard how Wyllie also wanted to copy the film Natural Born Killers by murdering his girlfriend’s parents and going on the run.

Giving evidence against him, the girl said her parents had banned her from seeing the “weird” schoolboy who had a deep-rooted hatred of them.

She told the court he climbed into her bedroom window last October armed with a large kitchen knife.

He told her: “I would kill your parents if I had the chance, and not

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