Sunday People

He got me to believe that everything was evil except him


feel anything.” She said: “He goes on about a plan to kill my parents and we’d run off together and it would only last a month and then we would have to kill each other.”

She said he wanted to run away with her: “He suggested we go full NBK (Natural Born Killers).”


When she let Wyllie in through her bedroom window he was dressed like his sick hero Eric Harris, who wore a trench coat, backwards black baseball cap, black jeans and a white T-shirt for the Colombine massacre.

The girl said: “He dressed like Eric all the time, he was proud, he admired him, he worshipped him.” Wyllie, who was also fascinated by the Nazis, had written on the white T-shirt in German the words for “kill the family” or “the family is dead”. The girl’s father owned seven shotguns, which Wyllie had asked about many times. To keep Wyllie happy and stop him nagging her She lied about getting hold of the keys to her father’s gun cabinet. She said: “I was scared he would hurt me or hurt someone else.” But the girl’s mum heard her daughter’s wind chimes and came into the bedroom. Wyllie fled. He was said to have musical ability and liked Kurt Cobain and Nirvana but also had darker interests.

He revelled in suicide videos and posted gory pictures of dead babies on social media.

Wyllie confessed to his girlfriend: “I love that people are scared of me because it makes me feel powerful.”

He kept a diary, just as Eric Harris had done, and wrote down names on a hitlist.

On his bedroom wall he had scrawled the name Satan and the words Red Rum – murder backwards.

He had live-streamed himself stabbing a toy baby doll with a pen knife, which he had splattered with fake blood. His girlfriend told the court: “He wanted us as a couple to be as dark and edgy as we could be.” She said it hurt when he carved his name on her back and she didn’t want him to do it. She refused to carve her name into his arm, so he did it on himself – spelling her name incorrectl­y. The girl said he told her: “I would rather me kill you than see you alive with somebody else.” She added:”i don’t know if I stayed with him out of fear.” In court she sobbed: “I loved him, I really, really did. And, in some way, he was the first person to make me feel worth something.”

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