Sunday People

4 Brits arrested over Ibiza ‘rape’

UK woman: I was drugged

- By Gerard Couzens and Bill Bond

LITTLE Alesha Macphail makes her final journey in a coffin decorated with unicorns and in her favourite colour.

Mourners also wore pink as the sixyear-old girl was laid to rest yesterday in Coatbridge, near Glasgow.

Mum Georgina Lochrane, 23, wrote: “I still can’t believe you’re gone.”

Alesha’s body was found on the Isle of Bute earlier this month. A boy aged 16 was charged with rape and murder. FOUR Brits have been arrested in Ibiza on suspicion of gang-raping another British tourist.

Two brothers are being held in custody while two other men have been released on bail after a 29-year-old women claimed she was drugged and attacked.

The brothers are thought to have met the woman in a bar by the main beach in San Antonio.

Later they went to another bar and then down to the beach.

There, she told one of the men she was not feeling well and he gave her two pills, she claimed. According to police, she now believed they had been “some type of drug”.

She was then taken to an apartment block where the alleged attack took place in the early hours of Thursday.

Following her statement and the descriptio­n of the men she gave, Civil Guard officers arrested the four Brits.

The Upton brothers were remanded to prison by a judge on a holding charge of “sexual aggression”, which covers rape, during a behind-closed-doors court hearing. They were pictured leaving court with their faces covered and taken away by police van on Friday night.

The two other men, aged 29 and 21, who we have chosen not to name, were released on bail pending further police enquiries.

The pair released on bail are thought to have had their passports seized while the investigat­ion continues.

 ??  ?? GRIEF: Mum Georgina &, left, note SERVICE: Pallbearer­s with coffin yesterday
GRIEF: Mum Georgina &, left, note SERVICE: Pallbearer­s with coffin yesterday
 ??  ?? REMANDED: One of the accused
REMANDED: One of the accused

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