Sunday People

Will hi-tech NHS work botter?


“HEY, Alexa. I’ve got chest pain and I’m burping lots. Should I go to A&E?” You’re lying on the sofa after dinner, scared that niggle is a heart attack. But soon you’ll be able to ask your digital assistant to scan an NHS database and check your symptoms to see if you need to go to hospital. Within seconds Alexa could be telling you: “There are 106 conditions associated with belching and chest pain. It may be suggestive of oesophagea­l disease, angina pectoris or coronary heart disease...” And you’ll be legging it to A&E before she’s even mentioned “indigestio­n.” Because, while consulting Dr Google on your phone or tablet would bring up a similar list, the feeling that you’re “talking” to an NHS expert will have more impact when you’re poorly or scared. An authoritat­ive voice reinforcin­g those dicky ticker fears could send you rushing off to casualty when all you need is a couple of Rennies. It’s a gimmicky idea, announced by new Health Secretary Matt Hancock, which will do nothing to cut needless trips to

I’VE never liked luxury label Burberry or its trademark check and I found it funny when their look was hijacked by chavs years ago.

Lads walking out of court with an Asbo and a Burberry baseball cap didn’t really fit the brand identity

And then Danniella Westbrook was snapped in a Burberry skirt with matching bag, pushchair and baby.

But today, thanks to celeb customers such as Rita Ora, Rihanna and Meghan Markle, Burberry is worth £9.6billion.

Yet, in the past year, the company has BURNED more than £28million worth of excess stock to “protect” the brand. over-stretched A&ES. Mr Hancock, who once designed his own “Matt Hancock app” told hospital staff on Friday: “I’m the greatest enthusiast of technology on the planet.”

And he’s thrilled at the deal with Amazon to provide advice from the NHS Choices website via chatbots.

It’s part of a £487million “tech transforma­tion” which could see patients getting barcodes, so they can be tracked, and the end of paper prescripti­ons.

I agree with Mr Hancock that “the opportunit­ies of new tech, done right across the whole of health and social care, are vast”.

But, as a former trainee nurse this focus on kit over hands-on care makes me feel uneasy. Mr Hancock insists has a “deeply personal” commitment to the NHS because it saved his sister’s life after an accident.

And he’s vowed to champion hard-pressed staff saying low morale is “heartbreak­ing”.

But more hearts will break if Mr Hancock fails to listen properly to the human voices of the NHS and act on their concerns.

Or if he answer’s them with the annoying cop-out you hear when Alexa can’t do her job either. “Sorry, I’m having trouble understand­ing you right now.”

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