Sunday People


SCARY SPICE’S NANNY FIGHTS I told court about singer’s

- By Halina Watts in London and James Desborough in Los Angeles

MEL B’S former stand-in nanny has revealed he came forward to tell a judge about her drink and drugs demons because he feared for her and her children’s safety. Rusty Updegraff insists he gave his statement to a Los Angeles court purely as a concerned friend. He said: “Mel would drink so much at the house and pass out that if there was an emergency I dread to think what would happen. I am not doing this for fame, and I didn’t have to do this, but I love those children and want the best for them.” His bombshell deposition led to a judge ruling the former Spice Girl had a drink and drug addiction – and ordering her to undergo four months of regular medical tests. Rusty’s statement also revealed the star’s obsession with sex – claiming a procession of men came to her house while he was there and describing her as “focused on lust”. In the past week, 43-year-old Mel has reacted furiously to what she sees as a betrayal by Rusty. She has branded him a disgruntle­d employee only seeking fame. But in an exclusive interview, defiant Rusty, 62, said: “I had to act.


And in a direct message to the America’s Got Talent judge, he added: “Mel, rethink your life, connect to the children and get a nanny to take care of them.” Rusty gave his deposition as part of Mel’s custody battle with ex Stephen Belafonte, 43, over youngest daughter Madison, seven. He believes Mel needs help to protect her relationsh­ip with Madison as well as Phoenix, 19 and Angel, 11. And he claimed the wayward singer even had a massive bust-up with her worried mother and sister after they flew to America to try to stop her from drinking. Rusty admitted: “She is so p ***** off at me and has told friends I embezzled money from her, but the judge took my deposition seriously – and that is a start for her recovery.” Mel asked long-time friend Rusty to help look after the children in February, which he agreed to do free on a parttime basis. But when the star’s nanny at the time suddenly walked out and Mel fired her dog-walker who also did the school run, he started helping out more. Before long Rusty was feeding and taking care of Madison and Angel and doing the school runs and grocery shopping. For all that he is pleased with the drink and drugs ruling on Mel, he remains concerned about her wild sex life. “There were men coming over to her house all the time. Yet with all the talk of sex, Mel often told me she had never really been in love,” he says. “She is focused on lust and even told me she was freaked out by one of her boyfriends romantical­ly stroking her arms. She couldn’t handle it.

“She needs stability in her life and some real friends.

“I genuinely was her friend and I wanted the best for her. I still do to this day.”

“I busted my ass to keep the family on track. I often worked from 6am to 10pm to make sure the kids were OK as I cared for them so much, and I want Mel to get better.

“When not around drink, she is a really nice person. For the last few months I never saw that.

He tells how even her own mum and sister got the cold shoulder from her.

In April, her mum Andrea, sister Danielle and close friend Charlotte headed to LA to attempt to change her reckless lifestyle brought on by the stress of her divorce and legal wars. Rusty says: “Andrea was so upset

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