Sunday People

Drug & drink demons so she’d sort herself out


after seeing Mel out of control in LA, she went back with Danielle and Charlotte to try to stop her drinking.

“The word rehab was not mentioned, but it was thought Charlotte could talk her round and get her life on track.

“When they came over, Mel spent a whole day ignoring them. That pushed things to the edge. She then left for a vacation to Palm Springs without them.


home. She acted like nothing happened, because she was off partying again. If anything her behaviour got worse.” Rusty reveals Andrea and Charlotte tried to enlist him to convince her to quit booze, while Mel – who has insisted she wants to go into rehab for post traumatic stress disorder treatment – kept haranguing them. “It was ugly,” he says. But he says that at least one of her children, Angel, is enjoying a steady parental relationsh­ip. She gets on really well with her Hollywood star father Eddie Murphy, Mel’s ex. “She regularly sees Eddie at his home and they Facetime too,” says Rusty. “He is a good dad from what I saw, and his mother really dotes on Angel. “At her 5th Grade graduation his whole family was there to support her and they had shared a joint birthday party at his house in April.” Rusty claims Belafonte’s lawyers have tried to persuade other people around Mel to give deposition­s to Family Law Judge Mark Juhas – but adds: “I filed paperwork, not because I am on Stephen’s side – I don’t know the man – but because three of my friends convinced me to do it as it was the right thing for Mel and for the children.”

Yesterday a source close to Mel said: “Mel has agreed to get help because she has nothing to hide and is happy to act on the order of the judge.

There is no dispute with her family – they are supporting her at the moment.”

A spokesman for Mel – declined to comment.

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