Sunday People

Only money can cure the ailing NHS


TWO years ago, a Sunday People investigat­ion revealed the shocking state of North Middlesex Hospital. Staff shortages were so bad that patients were being told to “go home if you’re not dying”.

The scandal-hit hospital was ordered to improve.

And work has been done. But our latest investigat­ion shows there is much, much more to do.

The number of serious incidents has risen during the past two years. Some cases are beyond belief. A cancer patient whose heart stopped after being hooked up to the wrong machine.

A woman who died from blood poisoning after being sent home.

Staff unable to ascertain how long one patient might have been dead. That’s just a flavour.

There are 40 serious incidents being investigat­ed.

In the meantime, it’s important to remember the root cause of the problems at North Middlesex.

It is not in dispute that standards are not up to scratch. But the hospital has been under serious pressure for years.

In 2013, the nearby Chase Farm Hospital was closed.

That placed extra demand on North Middlesex. Set against a backdrop of brutal austerity, things became more and more stretched.

That is of no comfort to those who have suffered there – or an excuse.

There are men and women working there who are giving everything to care for others.

Nurses, paramedics, doctors, surgeons. They are doing their best in incredibly difficult circumstan­ces.

The NHS is understaff­ed and overstretc­hed. Until this is addressed, by making sure our NHS is properly funded, hospitals like North Middlesex will continue to struggle.

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