Sunday People


Corbyn gears up for a Brexit General Election


JEREMY Corbyn is planning to use Jacob Rees-mogg’s Brexit rebels to force Theresa May into a General Election within weeks.

As delegates gathered in Liverpool last night for the Labour Party conference, Mr Corbyn told the Sunday People: “If this government can’t deliver Brexit then it must move over and have a General Election.”

To do this, Mr Corbyn’s MPS, along with Tories from Mr Rees-mogg’s European Research Group of Brexiteers, would vote together against Theresa May’s Chequers plan. Labour has set six tests for any final Brexit deal, including a strong relationsh­ip with Europe, the same rights, protection­s and benefits we have now, and fair migration to boost Britain’s economy.

Mr Corbyn said: “Chequers does not meet them. We are not happy with it and we would vote against it.

“That could trigger a General Election and we’re ready for it.”

Mrs May agreed to give Parliament a vote on a final Brexit deal. But at least 40 Tory MPS, led by Mr Rees-mogg, will vote against anything based on Chequers.

If Mrs May loses the vote it would trigger a General Election for the third time in three years. She won plaudits for Friday’s tough-talking No 10 statement following EU leaders’ rejection of Chequers at their Salzburg Brexit summit. But Mr Corbyn says that was ill-advised. He added: “Condemning everyone else in the room isn’t very helpful. “Of course everyone should show respect for each other, including the EU for Britain. “But we’re 26 months in from the referendum and we’re still at base camp. It’s extremely serious.” The Labour leader will reluctantl­y back a second EU referendum if his party conference calls for it.

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