Sunday People

BRING FIEND TO JUSTICE 17 YRS LATER My toughest fight was confrontin­g sick bully who raped me when I was 10


consultant, said: “I was devastated. Suddenly the last 13 years made sense – I now understood why Callum had swung from a brave defender to periods of very low moods and beating up a doorman.”

Callum served six months inside – and was suspended from boxing.

He said: “It was another kick in the teeth. I’d made so much progress in prison. But when I couldn’t box, I felt like Jason was ruining my life all over again. I had to expose his evil secret.”

Callum confronted Lyttle twice, admitting: “The red rage I fought to suppress boiled inside me. I wanted to kill him.”

They bumped into each other at the shops but Callum’s girlfriend and best friend averted trouble by taking him home. He insisted on a second meeting with his abuser, who by then was in a relationsh­ip and had two daughters.

Callum added: “For years I’d just wanted this brute to admit what he’d done – how his evil actions caused me to spiral into a very dark place, even prison. But he couldn’t even look me in the eye.

“Instead of admitting what he’d done, he kept looking down saying ‘I just can’t remember, Callum.’ I left the house devastated. I was absolutely broken.

“All I wanted was him to look me in the eye and say out loud what he’d done. Jason had taken everything from me – my self-pride, dignity, any hope of a normal life. It left me with a burning rage.”

Callum finally agreed to go to police after advice from his heartbroke­n dad Nigel, 49. He went on: “One minute I was attempting suicide and the next thinking about how I could murder Jason so he could suffer like I had. It was then my dad sat me down and said: ‘Whether you go down a negative road and destroy your life, or whether you choose a positive path in life and make a go of things, you have still been raped’. That was my lightbulb moment. I had to go to the police instead of pushing the self-destruct button.”

Callum’s closure came at Derby Crown Court when Lyttle admitted three sex assaults. He is awaiting sentence.

Now Callum is preparing for a ring comeback. And he is determined to break the taboo of male rape.

He said: “I’m working with Survivors Manchester and want other victims to realise it’s not their fault. They are still men and with the right help they can get through this.

“But I’m not doing this behind closed doors. I’ve put away my demons and am ready face the world to help others.”

Abuse victims can seek help at National Male Survivors on 0808 800 5005 and at malesurviv­

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