Sunday People

No feet in the grave

Victor Meldrew star’s new TV bid I was lucky to survive and I’ve got projects that might happen

- By Janine Yaqoob TV EDITOR

HE had one foot in the grave…but now Richard Wilson wants to get back on the box. The 82-year-old Victor Meldrew star is in talks to appear in another sitcom. Richard, recovering from a major heart attack and head injury, admits learning lines has become a lot tougher. But he hopes he will feel back at home on telly again soon. “I’d like to do more TV,” said Richard, who has a show on BBC Radio 4. “I don’t want to do long runs on the stage. It’s too tiring. “I’ve got some TV projects that might happen. I have to be more careful now, when it comes to my health and what I’m able to do.” One Foot In The Grave Star Richard was close to death after suffering a heart attack before falling off a balcony and hitting his head two years ago. The accident left him struggling with his memory. “I’m feeling OK. I was very lucky to survive. I just need to know my limits. “I walk around London’s Regent’s Park every day. The exercise and fresh air does me good.”


Richard got back to acting this week when he featured in a Brexit sketch with actress and activist Grace Campbell. The film – supported by the People’s Vote organisati­on which is calling for a second referendum – looks at why voters should be allowed to change their minds about Brexit. “I liked the script,” said Labour supporter Richard. “I thought it’d be nice to do. It was short and I didn’t have to learn too many lines.” Famous for his “I don’t believe it” catchphras­e as grumpy Victor, Richard was asked to do it in the sketch. Richard added: “I’m a bit confused about Brexit, like everyone is. I don’t know what’s going to happen. “I’m a remainer. Everything changed when the vote came in. That was a bit of a shock. After Thursday’s summit ended in no deal it’s even more difficult.” Grace added: “What we were told we were voting for is a completely different version of what we’re getting. We should be able to change our minds.” Watch Richard and Grace’s movie tomorrow.

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 ??  ?? BATTLING BACK Actor Richard is ready for work after heart attack GRUMPY: Richard plays Victor Meldrew CHAT: TV’S Richard and our Janine
BATTLING BACK Actor Richard is ready for work after heart attack GRUMPY: Richard plays Victor Meldrew CHAT: TV’S Richard and our Janine

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