Sunday People

Four things to try


Made up of layers of muscle and other tissues, they wrap like a hammock from the tailbone at the base of our spines to the pubic bone at the front.

For women, the pelvic floor muscles do the important job of cradling and supporting the bladder, womb and bowel.

Weakened, they can cause all sorts of bladder and bowel control issues.

One in three women suffers from leaky bladder issues as a result of a weak pelvic floor.

Men also have them – and can also experience problems.

There are lots of reasons muscles may be compromise­d.

For women, it is often due to pregnancy.

For both sexes, age, lifestyle factors, ill health and being overweight can have a huge impact on bladder control.

As well as improving bladder Squeezy is an app created by NHS physios to guide you through exercises, monitor symptoms and give reminders. £2.99, ios/android. Aquaflex Pelvic Floor Exercise System uses special cones and a set of four different weights to build up your muscle strength over time. £23.50, Boots. Innovo is a non-invasive device that wraps around your thighs to stimulate weakened muscles. Suitable for men and women. £249.99, Amazon. Elvie is a discreet exercise tracker that goes inside the body. An app linked by Bluetooth guides and monitors progress. £169, John Lewis.

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