Sunday People

Live bacteria supplement­s


Lemon water Drinking a pint of warm lemon water is a great way to start the day.

As well as boosting hydration, it is a simple way to increase vitamin C intake and is thought to help digestion.

Lemon water has a long tradition in traditiona­l Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, as it is believed to cleanse and detoxify.

These aid digestion and support the immune system, over 70 per cent of which resides in the gut lining.

Taken over the winter months, they can shorten colds and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Multi-strain products, such as Bio-kult Multi-strain Advanced Formula, £9.25 from, with 14 different strains, are believed to have more positive benefits.

Some evidence suggests that taking them just before a meal enhances survival of the bacteria.

Most people also find it easiest to remember to take supplement­s with their breakfast.


Make lunch colourful With meal deals and pack-ups often consisting of sandwiches and crisps, many people’s lunches are distinctly beige and lacking in nutrients.

The different colour pigments Protein-rich snacks Many people get an after-lunch lull, which means they reach for cakes and biscuits by 3pm. Instead, have protein-rich snacks on hand. Not only does protein help stabilise blood sugar levels, reducing energy crashes,

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