Sunday People

Rotters with big trotters


THIS week I had a call to see some pigs that needed their feet trimming – and it would not be easy.

Four pigs, 16 feet, 32 trotters, that was quite a lot of trotters.

The problem I had was that pigs do not like their feet being trimmed, neither do they like staying still.

These were large pigs and two were a breed called Mangalitza­s.

These peculiar porcines are covered in woolly hair and from a distance look like large sheep.

They are also large and strong and have opinions of their own.


All four needed a sedative injection to allow me to work.

After catching them in a corner and administer­ing the sedative, we sat back to waited for the pigs to go to sleep.

It was a relaxing time for the farmers, the vet and the pigs.

“Look at our new arrival,” said Robert, pointing to the next pen. It was a beautiful two-day-old donkey.

He didn’t need any veterinary care, but I jumped at the chance to make acquaintan­ce with the newborn.

The pigs could sleep a bit longer…

Julian took part in Help The Animals At Christmas. To donate: helptheani­mals before January 31.

Mangalitza breed, pig

 ??  ?? HAIRY OIK: A woolly,
HAIRY OIK: A woolly,

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