Sunday People



But one they never planned for was to each go through a heart transplant at the same age of 46.

And it felt like a particular­ly bad omen – because 46 was also the age at which their mum Janet died of cancer.

Elder brother Stuart said: “The number 46 has been the worst possible one in our lives – now it’s our luckiest.

“It’s incredible to think we’ve both been given a new lease of life at the same age we lost mum.”

Dave had his transplant in April, three years after graphic designer Stuart, 49.

Both had suffered from atrial fibrillati­ons, where the top two chambers of the heart are massively dilated. This results in irregular heartbeats, and can eventually lead to heart failure.

But with their new hearts, they have been told they once more have a normal life expectancy – and should see all the milestone moments their mum missed out on.

The pair were born with the same hereditary condition, but it was not until Stuart was 24 that his signs were first spotted.

He took medication for years to manage the condition.


But by April 2016 it had become clear that Stuart’s only chance of survival was a transplant.

He recalled: “I could have had a heart attack at any moment – and without a new heart, I had just six months to live.”

Waiting in hospital for that allimporta­nt call, thoughts of his own family – wife Wanda, and daughters Adele, now 22, and Rhiannon, 21 – brought memories of his mother’s death into stark perspectiv­e.

While there he became friends with others who were also on standby to receive a life-saving organ.

He said: “Some got that call and walked out ready to enjoy a new life. But lots of others weren’t so lucky – I was petrified.”

Then in August 2016 doctors gave him the news he needed, and just 24 hours after his eight-hour operation Stuart, of Devon, was up walking.

He was allowed back home three months later. He said: “One of the first things I did was celebrate this second chance by joining a gym – nothing could hold me back.”

For younger brother David, the warning signs only showed at 32.

He said: “I had heart palpitatio­ns, but foolishly thought my case wasn’t as bad as Stu’s.”

In November 2011 he had ablation surgery, re-setting his heart by destroying a tiny piece of tissue.

He recalled: “I thought I’d dodged a bullet but 2016 was when it all went wrong. In a few short months I lost my wife, Stuart needed a life-saving transplant, and we lost our dad after a horrible battle with dementia. My heart literally couldn’t take it.”

In March last year David almost collapsed at a train station – leading to a six-day stay in a cardiac unit.

Then in December he was referred to Harefield Hospital, North London, for assessment – and was immediatel­y put on the urgent waiting list for a new heart. He said: “I had three years to live at best, if a new heart wasn’t found. They said I could die at any moment.”

Unlike Stuart, David had to wait just four weeks for his new heart. He said: “My blood group is Ab-negative, the rarest on the planet, but ironically that meant I could receive any donor heart.

“Like Stuart, I was 46 – the same age g mum was when she died. The coincidenc­e was staggering.”

David was discharged from hospital in May and, like Stuart before him, began straight away on a new fitness regime.

He said: “There isn’t a day that Stuart and I don’t think we’re the luckiest brothers on earth.

“Of course, it’s bitter-sweet in that another poor family had to lose someon one they loved for us to survive wi with their hearts.

“The donors and their families are the heroes here, giving us and ou our families a priceless gift, for wh which we’ll be eternally grateful.”

T The British Heart Foundation aim aims to raise £100million a year for res research to improve lives like those of Stuart S and Dave. See You can read Dave’s personal blog at countingbe­ c

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