Sunday People


- By Halina Watts SHOWBIZ EDITOR and Grace Macaskill

AS he turns 60 tomorrow, Simon Cowell really is the man who has it all with fame, a £325million fortune and a newfound sense of wellbeing.

But unfortunat­ely he cannot have his cake and eat it on his birthday – as the diet he has used to lose 20lb forbids sweet treats.

Still, at least the strict regime he calls the Simon Diet lets him enjoy a few beers.

And he can console himself further with his extravagan­t present to himself – plans for his very own theatre in Las Vegas.

Simon said: “No birthday cake. There will not be a birthday cake but I can still drink beer, so I am happy.”

Missing out on the cake will be worth it as he insists his new diet has given him more energy and he now feels better than ever.

Simon said: “I went on this diet and it has worked and I feel better.

It hasn’t been difficult for me but the difference I feel in 12 months is unbelievab­le – mentally as well.

“Memory, my clarity, sleeping better, feeling better. I mean, it actually genuinely does work and then you become very aware of what you are putting in your body. So it is positive.”

His health drive also boosted his already strong bond with his mini-me son, Eric.

Simon said: “Eric was a big part of it because he is five and I was conscious his energy, the minute he wakes up and right before bed, he is all over the place.

“You want to be able to be with him in the day time and play sports with him and that was a big part of it as well. And yes, it is the best thing I have done in years. I am going to call it the Simon Diet. Definitely.”


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