Sunday People

Never forget grim lessons of our past


ENGLAND footballer­s were subjected to horrific racist abuse by Bulgarian fans.

The Nazi salutes and disgusting chants from the stands in Sofia were sickening.

But after a vile attack on Eastenders star Zack Morris, we must remember this behaviour still happens closer to home.

Zack, who plays Keegan Baker, was targeted by a thug because he is black.

The language used seems a distant memory in modern Britain. Words like “n****” and “Uncle Tom” rightly bring horror to those to hear them.

These are insults any decent person would never consider using, let alone hurl across a car park in a sustained tirade.


But this deplorable behaviour is still acceptable, it seems, to a minority. Zack says this attitude is “still destroying our generation” and “it must stop”. He’s right.

In order to stamp racism out for good we must condemn anybody who targets another person because of their race, religion or creed.

Britain must continue to celebrate the difference­s between our different cultures, not allow them to drive us apart.

We must remember Britain is a melting pot where all can enjoy equal values in a society that promotes the difference­s that make us stronger.

Prejudices that triggered the 1980s race riots should remain distant memories and attitudes that caused them must not be allowed to flourish.

If we forget the lessons from mistakes of the past then surely we are doomed to repeat them.

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