Sunday People

Trumping of Britain

TRADE IS BACK ON THE TABLE Johnson uses all the Donald’s sly tricks on us


WHILE the eyes of the world have been diverted by the Brexit saga, our unelected PM has been up to his usual tricks.

Boris Johnson has been nicking ideas from Donald Trump, who – let’s not forget – is only President by a quirk of the US electoral system as Hillary Clinton finished with more votes.

Trump and Johnson are demogogues not democrats, scared of scrutiny.

Johnson has gone on for months as PM and squared up to MPS for Prime Minister’s Questions just once.

He prefers adulation via selfies on a thinly disguised election campaign trail.

During the 2015 election in Acton his minders tried to grab and shove me out of broadcast footage and inadverten­tly made it go viral.


Both leaders like to muzzle the media. Trump bans independen­tminded journalist­s from press conference­s, Johnson has blackliste­d Channel 4 from approved interviewe­es.

Most worrying of all, both are using a tried and tested formula of making voters who don’t agree with them disappear from the electoral roll by aggressive­ly pursuing a strategy of voter suppressio­n.

We pride ourselves in having high turnouts in UK elections.

But America has seen a tightening of the screws on who goes to the polls.

The US experience shows that voters most dissuaded by extra requiremen­ts in elections are the most vulnerable.

No wonder Boris has ripped off the policy for himself.

After suspending Parliament when MY teenage son had a school careers evening this week.

Alas the vocation “trade negotiator” was not offered to him. No such job was available here because the EU has been doing that for us for 45 years.

After the 2016 referendum a new generation UK trade it became an inconvenie­nce, he now wishes to erase voters to stop them opposing him.

Forty different charities, including Operation Black Vote, the NUS, Age UK and Stonewall have warned against disenfranc­hising those who are already less likely to vote by insisting on punitive ID requiremen­ts.

These are primarily poor, disabled and ethnically diverse people.

There are 3.5 million people who don’t have any photo ID, such as a passport or driving licence. The

me hange negotiator­s was rapidly recruited and have been on a steep learning curve ever since.

The Government promised that trade deals with 40 nations we’ve had through EU membership would be fixed for the first Brexit deadline of March 31. Yet only 16 have materialis­ed Electoral Reform Society warns that innocent voters will be denied a say under these draconian proposals.

It’s a sledgehamm­er to crack a nut because the last election threw up only a tiny number of cases of malpractic­e out of millions of votes cast.

Never mind Johnson being the only PM to have an indetermin­ate number of offspring. He is unique in being the first to have illegally suspended Parliament by lying to our 93-year-old monarch, who I I’m m sure was n not amused.

With impeachmen­t pr proceeding­s because they’re never a quick process and there are no experience­d, hardened people in the job. We are starting a disentangl­ement which could last 50 years, making “trade negotiator” a career with long term prospects. Surely it’d be easier to just stay in the EU. hanging over Trump, a big fan of the Congress-bypassing executive order, the parallels abound.

Both bumbling blonds appear to have only a weak relationsh­ip with the truth and scant respect for womankind, be it “grabbing ’em by the pussy” or pouring red wine down the sofa of a younger trade-in while still married to another woman.

I will do all I can to halt these plans and turf out the Tories.

But first things first. We need to rule out no-deal now.

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