Sunday People

AS MONSTER JAILED freak who but refuses where he her body stalking ME TO HELP HIS JUDGE RINDER CON PLOT


arrived to live there they became friends. “She wanted to see if I was OK,” she said. “I apologised for being with Ben. “She said she was angry at first that we had got together but was over it.

“She told me she had wanted to warn me but I had to find out for myself what he was like.”

Leanne saw Sarah just a week before she went missing in October last year – meeting for coffee near Leanne’s home in Dartford, Kent.

“We were just talking about girly stuff,” she said. “Sarah told me she had been talking to a couple of guys but hadn’t met them yet.

“She said, ‘Ben didn’t like the fact that I was doing well because his intentions were for me to lose everything.’ She quite liked rubbing it in that we were still pals. “And then she said he was a t**t.” Lacomba is suspected of using a gravedigge­r’s shovel to bury Sarah’s body after drowning her in the bath.

Despite there being no body a jury took just three hours to convict him unanimousl­y of murder last month.

They were told how Sarah had landed a better-paid job shortly before her death.

She wanted to buy him out of the home they shared and he apparently feared losing access to his children.

Lacomba will serve 26 years in prison, taking into account time spent on remand.

On Friday the judge who sentenced him at Woolwich crown court said hiding the body had caused the family an “agony of uncertaint­y”. Judge Kinch added: “This was a wicked plan, executed for your own selfish interests.

“It’s difficult to imagine something more callous or chilling.

“The position you have put your children in is completely unimaginab­le. As their father, you were one of two people they would look to for nurture and protection.

“Instead you have taken their mother from them – a crime which is bound to resonate throughout roughout their lives.

“Sarah was described as bubbly, kind d and considerat­e. Someone who ho would step in if she thought t anyone was being wronged or treated badly.

“This murder rder was no crime of passion or momentary outburst of violence. It was, I am sure planned d and calculated.”

Leanne said:

“He will never ver tell us where Sarah rah is as he’s a control ntrol freak and that’s hat’s the only bit of control over the situation he has left. He’s evil. He reminds me of Ted Bundy – charming on the outside but evil deep down.”

Leanne swears she will never visit him in prison or write to him.

But she sometimes wishes she HAD met him when he sent her a mysterious message shortly before Sarah vanished.

It read: “I have to see you. Whatever I’ve got to say I can’t do over the phone.” Leanne said: “Wha “What if he was going to tell me what he was planning to do to Sarah Sarah? I could have saved her. Or he could have used me as an alibi.”

Tearful Leanne Lea added: “I miss her a lot. lot.” Sarah’s family said in a statem statement: “We miss Sarah every da day. Our priority from now is to give Sarah’s three yo youngest children ever every opportunit­y to be the best they ca can be.”

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