Sunday People

MP phones’

Candidates warned over computer glitches’


committee’s inquiry and has complained to No10 about the report being withheld, has said: “It’s certainly pertinent to an election.

“There has been a lot of disquiet about the possibilit­y of Russian interferen­ce and our report looks at that.” One affected MP said: “I don’t know how many others have been targeted because all of us have been sworn to secrecy.

“We can’t even tell each other. It could be all of us MPS or just a small group. If we have been hacked on a routine basis then it must have a bearing on the election. Why else would they suppress it?”

MI5’ s operation

f ollows an investigat­ion in the US into allegation­s that Russian hackers had a decisive influence on the election of President Donald Trump.

An organisati­on called the Internet Research Agency based in St Petersburg has been accused of creating thousands of social media accounts that purported to be Americans supporting Trump or political groups associated with his campaign.

Computer hackers were t raced ed to various arms s of president Putin’s tin’s military intelliell­igence service. .

Online sysystems in Hillary ary


Democrats headquarte­rs were found to have been bugged and files stolen.

The same military intelligen­ce service, the GRU, was behind the assassinat­ion attempt in Salisbury, Wilts, 18 months ago on Russian defector Sergei Skripal, 67, and his daughter Yulia, 34.

Scotland Yard has issued an arrest warrant for the suspected hitmen, GRU officers Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. Mum-of-three Dawn Sturgess, 44, died after being exp exposed to novichok nov the pair allegedly alle brought into Britain. Her boyfriend boy Charlie Rowley, Row 46, went in a coma but survived. surv

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