Sunday People

Vote Jo and get Bojo

JOHNSON TRUMPED OVER NHS Right swinger Swinson would keep Boris PM


IS Jo Swinson aving a laugh? The Liberal Democrat leader’s boast that she will be the next Prime Minister is so absurd that it should rule her out of the contest as a deluded fantasist.

Why would Britain want a PM with such a passing grip on reality? A party leader who shamelessl­y thinks that mere bragging will fool the public.

The truth is that Swinson knows that her party is not going to achieve the “historic breakthrou­gh” she has promised.

Not even her closest colleagues believe there is the remotest chance of the party even doubling its outgoing tally of 20 MPS, seven of whom were defectors from Labour and the Tories.


In 2017 the Lib Dems took eight per cent of the vote. They go into the election standing at 15 per cent in the polls.

Duplicitou­s Swinson hopes her party will once again hold the balance of power in a hung Parliament and go into a coalition government.

It wouldn’t be with Labour.

One look at her record and the party’s campaign strategy shows that the end result of voting Lib Dem would be to prop up Boris Johnson’s tenure in Downing Street.

Launching her election campaign, Swinson said she was “absolutely, categorica­lly ruling out” any Lib Dem votes to put Jeremy Corbyn into power.

Just like when Nick Clegg took his party into David Cameron’s austerity

DONALD Trump is doing his pal Boris no favours with his interventi­ons in British politics.

Voters in the Midlands are giving the couple’s bromance a big thumbs down.

The rejection of the toxic relationsh­ip -– and the President’s boast that the PM government. Or the time, long ago, when David Steel told his Liberal members “go back t o your constituen­cies and prepare for government”. They won just 17 seats. Swinson might hope that nobody has noticed but the Lib Dems are not the cuddly progressiv­es of yesteryear, standing equidistan­t between the two main parties. Not the radicals who would never countenanc­e support for a Tory government. On December 12 they are determined to

take Labour votes to would turn the country into “Trump’s Britain” – is so strong that Labour election bosses have ordered a change of tack.

A fresh batch of leaflets has been rushed out, to be delivered to homes around key constituen­cies warning against a Boris government that would deny Corbyn the keys to Downing Street. At the same time they are targeting Tory seats because that’s where its Remain stance on Brexit has most appeal to Tory defectors.

A leaked document from Lib Dem headquarte­rs recently revealed that almost all of the party’s top 100 target seats were held by Tories.

So Jo Swinson swings to the right. It comes naturally.

As a minister in the coalition government, she was key to the austerity programme that brought misery to

millions, especially the poorest. sell off the NHS to American companies.

Vote Boris, Get Trump is proving to be a powerful message.

“It’s amazingly strong,” said Birmingham Hodge Hill Candidate Liam Byrne. “They all think they’re both plonkers.

She voted against the link between welfare benefits and prices, against higher benefits for the disabled or longterm ill, against spending public funds on creating jobs for young people, in favour of shifting responsibi­lity for the poor on to cash-strapped councils and for the hated bedroom tax.

And of course she joined her Liberal colleagues in betraying students and her own election pledge by voting in favour of increasing tuition fees to £9,000 a year.

Swinson clearly expects the last laugh will be on us.

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PREPARE: David Steel
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