Sunday People

Christmas at Dunham Massey, Cheshire


THIS four-mile walk in Somerset’s Cheddar Gorge starts s at the track opposite the National Trust info centre in the lower Gorge.

1 Go right at first finger post, join path through woods, at top through gate and join path leading diagonally up and through kissing gate.

2 Take path on side of Gorge then descend to bottom of f deep valley. Through wooden kissing gate to meet path. Where path joins track, right through gate, to another to main Gorge road.

3 Cross road, join path to right which rises to the other side of the Gorge. Through gate at top to grassy path and keep right, through high gates to brow of hill then descend. Take path down, through another tall gate. 4 Follow path heading left and down to join Lynch Lane. e. Turn right, at the end right again to walk down the narrow Lippiatt road. At junction with main Gorge road d go right, back to info centre. See nationaltr­


(Nov 22 - Dec 30) FROM larger than life glittering deer, a glowing tunnel and a grand avenue replanted with gigantic flowers, the National Trust property goes all out. Its festive trail takes you through the deer park and formal gardens. Marvel at the decoration­s then warm up around the fire pit with a spiced cider or hot chocolate and some roasted chestnuts. More details at Nationaltr­

White Christmas, Dominion Theatre, London (Nov 16 - Jan 4) THE classic film starred crooners Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye as two former Second World War soldiers now in showbiz show who head to Vermont to team up u with a pair of singing sisters. Now it is a stage musical with

Strictly’s Strictly Danny Mac and Dan Burton. Check out Nederlande­

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