Sunday People


- By Phil Dampier ROYAL AUTHOR

THIS extraordin­ary interview is up there with Diana’s Panorama confession­s about life as a royal in the 1990s.

For Andrew to go into such detail and allow himself to be questioned so vigorously, he must be extremely worried about what is going to happen.

Where I think he looks extremely weak is talking about staying for several days in Epstein’s home. The idea that he didn’t see girls arriving and leaving or that he just sat around minding his own business is hard to believe. We have seen that video of him grinning as he waves goodbye to a female friend and half hides behind the door.

His defence that he stayed at Epstein’s after telling him he was ending the friendship doesn’t ring true.

And why did he contact ontact Epstein in 2010 after he hadn’t spoken to him for four years?

He claims they didn’t dn’t speak yet he contacted him to o tell him he couldn’t see him any more – when surely he should have e just left it. Andrew admits s he has continued to be in contact with Ghislaine Maxwell this year.

Again that shows an incredible lack of judgment. You get the impression he thought he was immune from scrutiny.

He has clearly been advised. There are clever touches such as referring to being shot s at in the Falklands, remi reminding us he was a war hero.

B But to say he continued the rela relationsh­ip with Epstein be because c he was being “hon “honourable” to a friend won’t wash wash. Most people will think he

i is being less than truthful.

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