Sunday People

Samaritans quit over sex pest callers


PERVERT phone callers are forcing volunteers to quit their life-saving roles at the Samaritans.

The mostly male sickos target female helpers to listen to their voices while performing sex acts.

They tell false stories of abuse but volunteers hang up when it is obvious what is happening.

One worker explained: “They say things like, ‘I’ve done something terrible’ and start reeling out a situation where they’ve touched a child. You want to believe people are seeking help but you realise it’s just a fantasy they’re playing out.

“Some threaten to harm a child if they can’t play it out.

“I’m wise to it now but new volunteers can get very upset.”

The adviser said the number of sex pests increases over Christmas as more people call.

The source added: “I was working last Boxing Day and received 20 calls. Nineteen were from men and most were sex calls.”

Another Samaritan told an online discussion how they quit when the abusive calls became too much.

The ex- volunteer said: “I left because the sex calls were outweighin­g the calls from those who needed help. I also started to feel used by those men who phoned in the early hours to discuss which lipstick or foundation to wear.”

The Samaritans denied the volume of nuisance calls was that high. A spokesman said: “Misuse does happen and is frustratin­g as volunteers’ time is better spent supporting those in need.

“All Samaritans volunteers undertake training and are given support.”

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