Sunday People

My wonder dog senses PTSD in military heroes

- By Sean Rayment

MEET the newest fighter against post-traumatic stress in the forces – Amber the dog.

The eight-year-old terrier cross can sense sadness and distress in people and is now a PTSD awareness dog.

Her owner reckons she has helped save hundreds of lives by comforting people, including his own.

Navy veteran Steve Murphy said: “About eight months after I took Amber home I was in a really bad way. Life had got on top of me and I had made an unsuccessf­ul attempt on my life before and I decided I was going to try again.

“I swallowed some tablets and Amber came into the room and sat down in front of me with her paw on my knee just as I was about to swallow some more.

“At that moment I knew I couldn’t go through with the suicide.”


Amber attends group therapy meetings and helps raise cash for Combat Stress and the Veterans United Against Suicide group.

“It became pretty clear that she was able to single out people who were very distressed,” said Steve, 53.

“She was with me on one occasion when a veteran was really upset. Amber walked over and put her nose on his knee and that guy started to cry. He looked down and saw her face and started stroking Amber. He wanted to talk to somebody but didn’t want to admit he had problems but Amber knew someone needed some help. After that he began to open up.

“She does that all the time.

People attend meetings so they can see Amber.”

Steve, a former leading seaman with 22 years’ service, saw action in Iraq and

Northern Ireland, plus anti-piracy and a counter-terror operat operations. He was decorated fo for bravery and believes seein seeing atrocities in Bosnia led to h his PTSD.

Now a lorry lorr driver living with par partner Sandi, 53, he adde added: “I got Amber from a rescue centre beca because I wanted a bi bit of company.

Amber had been rejected by five families but when we saw each other we just clicked. It was as though she immediatel­y knew that there was something wrong with me.

“With Amber by my side I want to help people realise that it is OK for people to say they are struggling and need help.”

The Sunday People’s Save Our Soldiers campaign is calling for better

ta mental health treatment.

 ??  ?? COMBAT: Steve serving in Iraq
CREATURE COMFORTS: Steve with his terrier Amber
COMBAT: Steve serving in Iraq CREATURE COMFORTS: Steve with his terrier Amber

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