Sunday People

THE CHOIR T Sing the praises of this brilliant band of young performers

Kasey Chapman, age Ffion Corcoran, age Caitlyn Homer-hughes, age Caitlin Brewis, age Founder Laura Jones, age 29

- By Matt Barbour

THESE amazing and selfless teenagers are taking singing from the same song sheet to a whole new level.

Not only do they perform in a choir but they are also united by the sacrifices they make in their personal lives.

Each of them juggle school work with caring for their parents or siblings with life-limiting illnesses such as chronic pain, autism, multiple sclerosis and depression.

The ten-strong Young Carers Aloud is the brainchild of

Laura Jones, 29, who single-handedly cared for her mum after she had a nervous breakdown followed, in 2001, by a heart attack.

Five years ago Laura, who volunteere­d at young carers’ charity Action for Children from 16 and studied theatre and media at university, hoped to start a song-writing workshop.

She said: “I wanted to use performanc­e and music to help these amazing young people.

“Singing was always my therapy, my way to heal and find a calm place, and I wanted these little heroes to experience that too.

“I know how hard it can be to find the time and cover to come to rehearsals if you’re a full-time carer, but I did everything I could do make that dream a reality. Then a colleague of mine at the charity suggested I put a choir together to sing them.”

Since then Young Carers Aloud, the UK’S first choir made up solely of young carers, has recorded an album of their own material.

They have also starred in a musical and performed at London venues including in front of 200 people in St Paul’s Cathedral last October.

Laura, of Mountain Ash, Rhondda, said: “I’m like Sister Mary Clarence from Sister Act, getting these children who’ve never sung before not just to enjoy themselves but to find their own voices and also create the tightest possible bonds.

“Nothing brings you together more than singing in a choir, and being a carer can be the loneliest, crushing experience imaginable. I grew up in poverty as a carer but was adamant I’d make something of my life. I owe that to music.

“I held down three jobs to afford to go to university and I made it. I wanted to bring that strength back to The Valleys, to give these kids who dedicate their lives to others opportunit­ies and friendship­s which will last a lifetime.”

Find out more at www. actionforc­

A FIRST-YEAR student at Coleg Y Cymoedd Nantgarw, Kasey has been a carer for eight years for her mum Natasha, who has severe endometrio­sis and is in chronic pain

SHE SAID: “As well as mum, I also have my younger brother Cameron, who’s 13, and sister Leora, who’s nine, so I’m often up very late at night to get all my coursework done.

“It feels like every single minute of the day I’m looking after someone else, doing laundry or cooking, or helping with homework, not to mention emotionall­y supporting mum.

“In the choir we share stories and laugh so much. We can relate to each other, and hearing someone next to me singing lyrics about being together, being stronger, it puts a huge smile on all our faces.

“All of us are heroes.”

FFION has juggled studying at Aberdare Community School with caring for her mum Donna, who suffers from depression and anxiety, for the past two years.


“Our nan,

Mum’s mum, died two years ago and it massively hit her, leaving me almost overnight to

CAITLIN has been a carer for her mum

Gail since she was diagnosed with MS eight years ago.

The pupil at Ysgol

Gyfun Rhydywaun comprehens­ive in the Rhondda Valley had never sung before joining the choir three years ago.

SHE SAID: “Everyday tasks pick up the pieces. It’s so hard, getting up at 6am to prep my younger sisters Cerys and

Bronwyn for school, as well as helping out at home with everything else.

“In the choir I feel at home and happy for the first time in so long. I forget how tired I am when I’m singing.” for mum are just impossible so I have to do everything from cooking to washing Mum’s hair. It’s also really hard for Mum, who feels so guilty for putting me in this position.

“Rehearsals, performanc­es, and trips away are the highlight of every month.”

CAITLIN, who goes to Cardinal Newman RC Comprehens­ive in Pontypridd, has been a carer since she was nine years old, and joined the choir last year.


“My younger brother Zach, who’s eight years old now, is severely autistic, and because my mum and dad are separated and mum works night shifts, I spend a lot of time dealing with

Zach. I have to get up early to prep him for school, make his breakfast and do all the little jobs a parent would.

“It’s exhausting in a way nobody else could really understand unless they’re a carer.

“Being out of the house with people my age who get me, it’s a lifeline. My favourite song is We Will Rise Again, showing we’re stronger together. It hits the nail on the head.”

C r h

C h H i o c

 ??  ?? BRAIN WAVE: Laura Jones started choir
TUNEFUL: The choir at the Action For Children Awards at Glaziers’ Hall, London
PERFECT HARMONY Young Carers Aloud changed their lives through song
BRAIN WAVE: Laura Jones started choir TUNEFUL: The choir at the Action For Children Awards at Glaziers’ Hall, London PERFECT HARMONY Young Carers Aloud changed their lives through song 16 13 15 15

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