Sunday People


Union calls for urgent changes


GCSES should be axed, says a teachers’ leader.

Dr Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the powerful National Education Union, said the pandemic has proved GCSES are no longer fit for purpose.

Despite record results and an improvemen­t on last year’s shambolic assessment system, Dr Bousted called on Government to end the “tsunami of exams” that are taking a heavy mental health toll on the young.

She explained: “The CBI has said we can’t just keep putting children through exams we have to develop their skills.

“Few nations put this hurdle in young people’s path at 16. To have them take 30 exams in two weeks is too much. That takes up a huge chunk of time.

“When GCSES were brought in, people left school at 16 so you needed an exit exam. They leave at 18 now so why leave this massive hurdle in place?” The exam system has been hit by controvers­y for two years as grade inflation and learning algorithms left many without proper grades.

The Institute for Government said the Government’s “refusal” to make contingenc­y plans for schools and exams in summer 2020 or later was “unforgivab­le”.

Dr Bousted added: “This year, because Boris Johnson refused to countenanc­e exams not taking place, teachers were not told until January they were going to give grades. If they hadn’t worked as they had young people wouldn’t be getting their results.” In June the NEU launched The Independen­t Assessment Commission to look at the case for changing exams. Launching the commission, Prof Louise Hayward said: “The system fails too many. Time for change is now. It is creating a generation scarred by the exam system.”

 ??  ?? PLEA: Dr Bousted
PLEA: Dr Bousted

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