Sunday People



Hello ladies! Did you have a good time on the cruise?

Denise: It was amazing. The British Isles are beautiful.

Linda: It goes to show that you can stay in the UK and still enjoy a luxury cruise.

Anne: We each had our own cabins, with a gorgeous balcony.

Linda: What’s not to love?

Denise wasn’t able to join you on the last series…

Linda: We felt like there was a piece missing. Anne: She nearly didn’t join us this one, either! [Laughs]

We heard there was passport trouble! Denise:

Well, it never entered my head that

I’d even need a passport to cruise the British Isles! When they said I needed one, I was like, “Pardon?” It was eight months out of date so I sent it off straight away, but it didn’t arrive in time. The day the girls left, my passport arrived. We were all gutted.

Linda: It was like leaving your kid at the school gates!

You joined the girls eventually, Denise. Did you enjoy yourself?


I love cruising. It’s a great way to live. To do it with my four sisters, I feel very fortunate.

Coleen told us it was lovely to spend time together, just the five of you... Denise: It was lovely. We all see each other a lot because we all live in Blackpool, but we never really see Coleen. To have a full week of her undivided attention was wonderful.

You also performed together for the first time in more than 40 years. What was that like?


It was a surprise to me. No one told me we were doing it!

Linda: You would’ve panicked!

Denise: It was strange, but wonderful. It brought all the memories back of when we were younger and used to bicker over who sang what note. I was always the one who made a fool of myself with the choreograp­hy, and I did it again. I fell off the stool!

Bernie was obviously a huge part of the group and your lives. How did it feel going on this trip without her?

Anne: We always miss her, especially when we sing, because she was such a big part of our career.

Linda: Whenever the five of us are together, it feels like there’s a piece missing.

Linda and Anne, you’re both going through your own battles with cancer. How are you both feeling?

Anne: I’ve actually finished all my treatment, so I’m in a good place. The only thing I have now is a preventati­ve medicine.

Linda: We’ve been through it, but we’re well. My cancer is terminal, but treatable. I feel great at the moment, though. My hair’s grown back.

 ?? ?? The sisters relished spending time together after being separated during lockdown
The sisters relished spending time together after being separated during lockdown

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