Sunday People

‘Napping has become a lifesaver’

Writer Josie Copson gives her verdict on afternoon snoozing after a week-long trial


Back in my student days, napping was as important to me as Super Noodles. Then adulthood took a grip and my two-for-one VK Blue alcopops were replaced by herbal teas. But now that I’ve switched from full-time office worker to home-based employee due to the pandemic, I have a new opportunit­y to welcome back my old friend – the nap.

DAY 1:

I close my laptop, lower the bedroom blind, put on a Spotify sleep playlist and shut my eyes. I can’t shake the feeling that someone might be messaging me with a work emergency. Then my dad comes home early, shouting, “Alright, Jos?...” When I tell him he has disturbed my nap, he laughs and I feel judged! The shame ruins any chance of getting some shut-eye.

DAY 2:

I feel like I’ve lost my first-day jitters and remind myself if anybody has a work query, it’s likely they can wait. I don’t know whether it’s my new Primark loungewear set or the fact I’d gone for a run that morning, but I’m out like a light. My alarm startles me but I know I can’t snooze it because: a) if you nap for too long it can have a negative impact and b) I may face a disciplina­ry. Back at my desk, I yawn my way through my emails – but after half an hour, I do feel refreshed.


Enjoying lunchtime dozes for a whole week feels like I’ve had access to a secret weapon that nobody knew about – and it’s become a lifesaver on the days where I’ve pushed myself in my marathon training. I don’t think I’ll be taking a siesta every day now the experiment is over, as I like to occasional­ly use my lunch hour doing important things, like watching Mollymae’s Youtube videos or buying jam doughnuts from Greggs. But I know the naps are there if I need an afternoon boost once more.


I will listen to my body from now on and if I think an afternoon kip is what it needs, who am

I to deprive it?

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