Sunday People

Art: I must be cool like my old boss David


MIKEL ARTETA admits he longs for the day when he can keep cool and calm in a dugout – just like David Moyes.

West Ham boss Moyes rarely loses his rag on the sidelines any more – in contrast to his younger, livewire Arsenal counterpar­t.

Ahead of Arsenal’s vital trip to West Ham this afternoon, the Gunners boss (left) explained: “David is a bit different now to how he was before, but he has his character and he’s able to use it in a lot of different ways.”

As for the chances of Arteta becoming a mellower, lessstress­ed figure in the future, do not rule it out.

He added: “I don’t want to go any worse than I am now!”

What is not in doubt, though, is the massive impact Moyes had on Arteta when, as Everton boss, he signed him from Real Sociedad in January 2005. Arteta played 162 league games for the Merseyside­rs before moving to Arsenal – and is glowing in his praise for Moyes.

“David was a key figure in my career as a player and someone I look back at and try to take a lot of things from as a manager,” explained Arteta.

“What he created at Everton in that dressing room was absolutely phenomenal – because the level of ability we had wasn’t of the level of success we achieved.”

Arsenal are favourites to clinch the last Champions League place.

They are two points clear of nearest challenger­s Tottenham and Arteta, whose troops go to Spurs in 10 days’ time, added: “The level and the quality that these games are played at is just incredible. You look at the game we all watched between City and Real Madrid, it was absolutely phenomenal.

“And the week before it was the same. So we want to be there.”

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